Welcome to Open Savannah!

The best way to dive into the Open Savannah community is to join us at our monthly Third Thursday night meetups. Here are a few things to do if you're new to our community.

  1. RSVP for Kickoff Event on Meetup

    Don't miss our kickoff event Thurs. Feb. 23 at Bull St. Labs, where we'll be brainstorming and deciding on our first civic tech project, drafting an action plan and building a citizen locator app for neighborhood association contacts on the spot to get everyone's feet wet. Go ahead and save your spot and RSVP now

    Join Us and RSVP on Meetup
  2. Get set up with Slack

    We use slack to keep in touch when we aren't hanging out in person. We also track ongoing conversations, research, and project development there. Once you're in Slack, feel free to say hi in our #general channel and maybe tell everyone what makes you excited about civic tech or how you'd prefer to get involved.

    Join our Slack community
  3. Join Github (even if you don't code!)

    We use github to share and work on code-related projects. Many of our projects center around technology and therefore involve code, but you don't need to be able to write code to get involved! Github offers a range of ways to be part of the development process such as assisting in writing documentation or helping project managers keep track of work to be done.

    See our Github organization
  4. Follow along on Dropbox Paper

    We use Dropbox Paper for our weekly updates. If you can't make it to our bi-monthly meetings, you can always stay informed by checking out the latest weekly update.

    Follow along on Dropbox Paper